Many CEOs admit that they use CBD to enhance their performance. These professionals claim that CBD has a variety of health and nutritional benefits which help them stay focused throughout the day.
What are the reasons for the increasing number of CEOs who take CBD to start their day? We’ll begin at the beginning to help those who don’t know what CBD is.
Cannabidiol is the abbreviation of cannabidiol, a substance derived from cannabis plants. CBD differs from its cousin, 9-delta-tetrahydrocannabinol(THC), in that THC has psychotropic and intoxicating properties. THC’s mind-altering properties aren’t nearly as harmful as people think. Experts recommend using CBD and THC in combination for improved performance at work. Cannabis contains over 100 cannabinoids, in addition to CBD and THC.
Let’s look at the top reasons CEOs begin their day with CBD.
CBD Enhances Mental Focus
To perform their duties efficiently, CEOs need to be able to focus and concentrate. There are many distractions in the workplace which can divert our attention from important tasks. You may find yourself with a lot of work and not enough time to complete it if you don’t address these distractions. You can take advantage of this benefit by choosing lab-tested CBD gummies.
CBD can help you improve your focus, concentration and mental clarity. CBD helps a CEO stay focused by activating 5-HT1A receptors and elevating eCB tones. A manager can then coordinate more effectively all of the duties and responsibilities under his jurisdiction.
It has been proven that the substance can also help to alleviate mental slumps. When your brain collapses, you cannot think of anything and can’t get any ideas out. Most CEOs will be able to relate to this, especially when brainstorming ideas for the company during routine boardroom meetings.
CBD can help eliminate mental slumps. It boosts the neural pathways in the brain that are responsible for navigation of thoughts. Numerous studies link CBD to dopamine activity. Dopamine, a chemical neurotransmitter in the brain, is responsible for memory, mental awareness and focus.
CBD Reduces pain
The CEO can experience pain in many different ways. The pain that CEOs experience at work can range from back and neck pain from sitting for long periods of time to muscle and joints pains caused by climbing stairs all day.
Smart CEOs know that if you have painful muscles and joints, it’s hard to get much done. They now take CBD every morning. CBD has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help keep pain away.
The National Institute of Health has found that CBD is effective in treating chronic pain. Anti-inflammatory properties kick in when people are suffering from inflammation. You can be more productive at work if you don’t have pain to distract you.
CBD Reduces Workplace Stress
Most CEOs are concerned about anxiety. The pressure of being the number one in the organization can be overwhelming. It is important to be aware of all that’s happening at the different levels within the organization. You need to know when employees don’t do their part and when operational policies of the company are no longer viable. These tasks can be stressful.
CBD is used by most CEOs to stay on top of their work, and keep a cool head when faced with a stressful environment. To banish anxiety at work, all you need is a CBD product.
Buy from trusted brands. CBD Gummies are highly popular in Canada for treating anxiety. It is worth trying.
CBD Lifts Mood
It’s hard to find a CEO who doesn’t experience some form of anxiety at work. Even those in the most relaxed environments have low moments.
Insubordination can ruin a good day. Intrusive emails or dishonest marketing tactics by your competitors are other common challenges that can ruin your mood at the office.
It’s normal to have mood swings. When mood swings are frequent, it can have a significant impact on your productivity. A dose of CBD in the morning can keep you motivated all day. CBD boosts your mood through activating chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin. These chemicals are linked to happiness and positivity.
CBD Improves energy
Coordinating interdepartmental activities, running up and down to inspect projects, calling prospects in order to close deals. The CEOs face many challenges at work that leave them physically and mentally exhausted.
CBD interacts with the endogenous cannabinoids in your body to keep you energized. These activities, in turn, suppress the functions that keep you sluggish and sleepy. This substance also boosts metabolism which increases the rate of energy production in the body.
CBD Promotes Sleep
Let’s start with a sad fact: as a CEO you will probably be the one to wake up first and last. You want to get uninterrupted sleep during the few hours that you do have. Sleep is not always available when you need it. It’s impossible to be productive at work if you don’t get enough sleep at night.
CBD is praised by CEOs for its ability to improve sleep quality and quantity. CBD fights insomnia, and other sleep disorders, by erasing REM sleep. The REM stage, which occurs just before dawn, is associated with most dreams.
There are many ways that CBD can benefit you, whether you are the CEO of a business or a regular employee. Now is the perfect time to add CBD to your daily routine if you want to maximize your productivity.