Mental Health: Four Ways To Cope With The Tragic Death Of A Loved one

When you’ve loss of loved one so tragically, the truth is that this is going to affect your mental health in so many more ways than you can even imagine.

There’s no other way to mask the fact that the tragic loss of a loved one is tough to cope with. No one will ever be prepared for it. For others, they may even start to blame themselves, question the existence of their life, or even find the loss very difficult to come to terms with.

There is no one way to heal and grieve, but there are healthy ways to do so. Here are some ways to help you:

1. Let Yourself Feel Your Thoughts and Feelings

You shouldn’t feel like you have to always put on a brave face for your family and friends. This doesn’t help you heal. You may suffer more than you ever imagined. Allow yourself to feel all your thoughts and emotions when you experience these life experiences.

You can do whatever you like. Allow yourself to enjoy the comfort of looking at photos and videos from your past together.

Your mental health will improve the more you allow yourself to explore your feelings and thoughts. You will be able to live each day in small steps, which is important when trying to heal. It is important to not mask anything.

2. Recognize Your Pain

It’s only natural to feel a great deal of pain after losing a loved one. Accepting and acknowledging that you are in pain does not make you less of a human being. You don’t even know what life would be like without them.

It’s easier to be happy when you laugh more than cry.

You realize that healing without forgetting the other person is possible. You can only know and convince yourself through this process, that you do not have to live in this negative situation the rest of your days.

3. Take Care of Yourself

Some may find this section of advice impossible to follow. How can one maintain good health when going through a tough time?

If you really want it, anything is possible. The person who left us so suddenly does not want you to suffer the rest of your days. You’ll also be adding more problems to your life if you don’t look after yourself.

You shouldn’t be tempted to start a vice addiction, or a physical problem because you have lost someone dear to you. Your mental health is already hanging by a thin thread.

Don’t, for example, drown yourself in drugs or alcohol. You may be able to temporarily escape the world by doing this. What happens when the party is over? The same problem, the same result, and a nasty hangover.

You may develop a serious addiction problem if you continue to do this. According to multiple wrongful-death attorneys, it can be common to respond violently, resorting to vices or even retaliation. You should be aware that this is not right.

Instead of putting yourself and your life at risk, take this time to gain strength. Slowly become a stronger you one day at a a time. Allow yourself to use this time to exercise and eat healthy.

4. Do Not Compare Your Grief To Others

It doesn’t mean that other people have to do the same. Sometimes, they may act as if it never happened.

You may not be able tell from their appearance that they have recently suffered a loss. Now that you are in the position of grieving for your loved one’s loss, you will wish to be that way too.

Don’t be hard on yourself if you aren’t as well healed as a friend. Never compare yourself to others when it comes to your grief process or your struggles.

Grief is an experience that is unique to you. As long as you take care of yourself, you will also heal. Comparing your experience with others’ will only exacerbate your emotions. You are completely justified in struggling to deal with your grief. Your feelings are valid, no matter what. BetterHelp’s licensed therapists can help you deal with your grief in a healthy way.


Losing a loved one is a natural reaction for humans. It’s even worse when you have a tragic loss, such as waking up one morning and finding out that your loved one is no longer with you. You won’t get the chance to say goodbye to them, and you may never see them again.

The good news is, this dark time in your life doesn’t have to last forever. You can move forward, cope, heal and restore your mental health. These are just a few of the many options available.